Example sentences for: adios

How can you use “adios” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • If he is not wholeheartedly in your corner on this one, say adios and look for someone who will not regard you as the little match girl.

  • "Adios, Señor Spleen"

  • You also get a taste of the world from which Anna is fleeing when Alec Baldwin (unbilled, never funnier) shows up as her equally famous boyfriend, radiating narcissistic entitlement as he paws his celebrated squeeze and bids Thacker--forced this time into impersonating a room service waiter--to "adios those dirty dishes."

  • It turns out Monica Lewinsky's adios to the grand jury is the fitting farewell to 1998: We're really sorry for everything that's happened.

  • The time has definitely come to say to all these chaps: Adios, yo-yo.

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