Example sentences for: adidas

How can you use “adidas” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • The Yankees, like the GOP, brazenly take enormous "contributions" wherever they can be found (fans, cable TV operators, Adidas, etc.).

  • To many, the swoosh symbolizes exploited foreign labor, and hip young people now choose Adidas as an alternative to Nike's hegemony.

  • Like all good Republicans, Steinbrenner's Yanks buck regulation: When other owners tried to stop Steinbrenner from signing a separate endorsement deal with Adidas, arguing it would undercut the entire league's endorsement plan, he told them to get lost.

  • I know what I like, I just don't know if it's a Nike or an Adidas or some other model of car.

  • Manolo Blahnik gives way to Acupuncture and New Balance, to Reebok and Adidas, and the host of others stemming from the original Keds of 1917.

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