Example sentences for: adaptamer

How can you use “adaptamer” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Apparently, the amount of correct template produced by the 1 stround PCR, albeit often invisible during gel analysis, was usually sufficient to give high yields during the 2 ndround of amplification using the common adaptamer sequences.

  • The adaptamer sequences become the basis for re-amplification of the gene sequences in a second stage amplification.

  • During the second stage of amplification, the first stage PCR products serve as template, whereas a single pair of primers recognizing the flanking adaptamer sequence can be used to re-amplify all products of the first stage PCR.

  • The use of adaptamer sequences with identical T m 's for the 2 ndround of amplification optimized the yields, despite different product lengths and different template concentrations (which were dependent on the yield from the first round reactions).

  • Importantly, the two-stage amplification had the unanticipated advantage of normalizing the yield of PCR products across the entire set of genes, such that lower than average yielding products from the 1 stround PCR (using the gene specific sequence and chromosomal DNA as template) often had a robust yield during the 2 ndround of amplification using the common adaptamer sequences.

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