Example sentences for: accentuating

How can you use “accentuating” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Among several cheerful sugar stories in the last few days was one accentuating the positive aspect of recent flooding in the countryside.

  • They are mistakes at sentence level rather than word level; prosodic rather than lexical mistakes; mistakes of stress, intonation, and syntactic segmenting: in effect, accentuating the wrong word or syllable, modulating the pitch incorrectly (a rising rather than falling tone, say, or a questioning rather than affirming tone), and pausing in the wrong place.

  • A bully, a wheeler-dealer, and a loudmouth, Bob Bennett seems to be doing just the opposite: dragging the president deeper into the lurid morass, while accentuating the public spectacle of his disgrace.

  • (accentuating secretary, or yesterday)

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