Example sentences for: acceded

How can you use “acceded” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • They then acceded to a "cooling off" period, which ended Jan.

  • Even though Senate Republicans acceded to a Democratic provision that will prevent banks with unsatisfactory lending records from moving into other financial services, advocates for disadvantaged borrowers argue that the agreement fails to strengthen fair lending laws.

  • The White House, to be sure, read the political signals coming from Capitol Hill, but the Congress largely acceded to the executive branch's funding requests.

  • When Alberta and Saskatchewan acceded to provincial status in 1905, and the country’s mining, lumber, paper, and pulp industries burgeoned, Laurier championed a new transcontinental railway that would take a more northerly route to serve them — the state-owned Canadian National Railway (C.N.R.)

  • To this mix, Culturebox would like to add a candidate of its own: Chip McGrath, the editor of the New York Times Book Review . A former staff member at The New Yorker , McGrath was passed over when Robert Gottlieb acceded to power, but over the past few years he has done a bang-up job at the Book Review , giving it all of the heft of the New York Review of Books with none of the intellectual snobbery.

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