Example sentences for: abp

How can you use “abp” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • The increased concentration of ABP present in the testes of TG mice (see Joseph et al . [ 25 ] ) will chronically reduce the concentration of intra-testicular free T available for interaction with androgen receptor (AR) and other molecular targets.

  • Our data indicate that the presence of greater than physiological concentration of ABP in the mouse testis has a biphasic effect on the frequency of apoptosis in germ cells.

  • In order to study ABP's functions in vivo , Reventos et al.

  • The second theory suggests the possible direct involvement of ABP in spermatogenesis.

  • Androgen binding protein (ABP) is produced by Sertoli cells of the testis, secreted into the lumen of seminiferous tubules, and transported with tubular fluid to the epididymis, where it is internalized and degraded by the epithelial cells of the initial segment and the caput; it binds testosterone (T), dihydrotestosterone and estradiol with high affinity [ 9 10 11 ] . The functions of ABP have been the subject of many reviews [e.g.

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