Example sentences for: abated

How can you use “abated” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • He cut taxes to energize economic growth, and after the recession of 1982 the economy went into a juggernaut of growth that has still not abated.

  • While the will to assist the low income population has not abated in Northern Colorado, those involved with federally funded legal services must wait to see who President Bush appoints to the board of the Legal Services Corp.

  • It crested on choruses of screaming boy sopranos and furious churning from the instruments, then abated to quiet intonations and still chords, filigreed by a solo clarinet.

  • Her left-sided pain abated gradually.

  • Perhaps interest in that subject has now abated sufficiently to allow us to turn our attention to the budget.

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