Example sentences for: abacha

How can you use “abacha” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Instead, the military immediately named Abacha's top defense aide, a fellow general, to succeed him.

  • Both Suharto and Abacha, of course, were despicable tyrants, with records of venality and bloody oppression.

  • The NYT says the death of Nigeria's Abacha, whose five-year reign was marked by his brutal suppression of political opponents and who had no designated successor, initially prompted hopes among Nigerian political exiles and some world leaders that Nigeria, which had a flourishing democracy briefly in the early 1980s, might restore civilian government.

  • Sani Abacha.

  • He said that if Abacha were to contest the elections, "he would not be violating any known Nigerian law or international norm."

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