Example sentences for: technically

How can you use “technically” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Calls itself "America's first full-scale Internet campaign" and is by far the most technically sophisticated site, with an array of slide shows, videos, and a "personal control panel " that repackages his position papers, speeches, and press releases as links from an icon symbolic of high-tech, individual empowerment.

  • This model cannot be directly implemented because experimental replication to estimate each confounding term is technically difficult.

  • These results indicate that humans are not poor smellers (a condition technically called microsmats), but rather are relatively good, perhaps even excellent, smellers (macrosmats) (Laska et al.

  • Yet, somehow I don't see myself ever earnestly emoting to a camera "Thanks to public-works pioneer Thurmond Elias Plefko, the Madison commissioner of waterworks from 1834 to 1872, who installed my city's water system, I am alive today," although technically I suppose its sort of true.

  • One reason I love the story is that it so symmetrically counters the usual assumptions about the difference between American and English acting--the spill-your-guts Americans and the technically polished English, the American search for "emotional truth" and the English displays of mere skill.

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