Example sentences for: tec

How can you use “tec” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Our data suggest that such interactions occur and that the phosphorylation events leading to the activation of Rlk are analogous to those required for the other Tec family kinases.

  • Our results provide direct genetic evidence for these functions of TECs, by showing that these processes are defective in mutants with a primary TEC differentiation defect (the Hoxa3,Pax1 compound mutants).

  • Although our original SH3 domain binding experiments suggested a specific interaction between Tec kinases and the Src kinases Fyn, Lyn and Hck, we have been able to observe both activation by and co-precipitation with other Src family kinases including Lck and Src in 293T cells (data not shown).

  • In contrast, we have recently demonstrated that PI3K inhibitors do not alter activation of Rlk by Fyn, suggesting that the requirements for activation of Rlk by Src family kinases are distinct from the other Tec kinases.

  • By several criteria, Rlk appears to be a member of the Tec family of tyrosine kinases, yet significant differences exist between Rlk and the other kinases in this family.

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