Words similar to syllables
Example sentences for: syllables
How can you use “syllables” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:
It keeps the initial capital A and the first two syllables of "A&A" (pronounced "A 'n' A"); it puns on "eon," which implies longevity and stability--a desirable connotation for an insurance-services company, especially one that has just undergone a major and disruptive change; it has a remote but perceptible similarity in sound to "Bain"; and it gives the company a unique, legally protectable, and memorable name, unlike the generic "Combined Insurance" moniker.
Then there's pseudonym , (false name), eponym (named for a person, e.g., sandwich after Lord Sandwich), and acronym (formed from the initial letters or syllables of a group of words, e.g., snafu meaning Situation Normal; All Fouled Up or laser meaning Light Amplification Stimulated Emissions Radiation).
The English equivalent of this German word is spin quantum number . Were it to be spelled *spinquantumnumber or were the German word to be spelled *impuls quantum zahl , people would have other impressions, yet both words have exactly the same number of syllables (five) and letters (seventeen).
Before I go back to bed and try to shake this damn flu, one more thing: the lovely piece in today's New York Times advertising column about the "Cash" machine, which digitally compresses the pauses and long syllables out of talk shows so that local stations can sell more commercial time.
] Counting the internal variations, that is seven variants merely for the last two syllables of the word: to see how the first two are pronounced, one must go to the preceding entry, investitive . It does not get any better, either.