Example sentences for: stormy

How can you use “stormy” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • He could have thought of: "Stormy weather, can't go on, everything I had is gone."

  • The German press led on the deal struck at a stormy meeting of the Green Party, a member of Germany's ruling coalition, by which the government of Chancellor Gerhard Schröder is permitted to hold to its existing war policy.

  • During these stormy years, the castle of Edinburgh was occupied several times by English garrisons.

  • When an actress such as Patricia Arquette presents a blank face to the camera, it's really blank, but Pfeiffer's blankness can make you seasick with its sloshing, stormy underpinnings.

  • They like that Birthday Letters combines Hughes' trademark violence--dying animals, stormy moors--with his compassion for Plath and introspection.

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