Example sentences for: solecisms

How can you use “solecisms” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • The writing is easy to read and colloquial (by which I mean it contains the classic solecisms that purists deride).

  • David Galef has coined the term morox [XIV, 2] to designate unintentional, inelegant oxymorons such as many fewer problems, largely insignificant , and barely clothed . I collect solecisms of all sorts that I hear on television broadcasts.

  • I could detect no other solecisms, so I assumed he was taking aim at the use of the singular verb with the noun media.

  • The most common solecisms are those of syntax and grammatical gender.

  • Last week, as I was arranging my notes on solecisms called from television, radio, and newspapers, I suddenly realized that updating the long list, even without citing dates and perpetrators, had begun to take up too much time.

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