Example sentences for: shalit

How can you use “shalit” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Somewhere in the Maryland panhandle, E and I were for some reason discussing Wendy Shalit's book, The Return of Modesty , which makes the case for chastity, patience, courtship, etc.

  • Clearly, Crowley wasn't going to do even a Ruth Shalit (i.e., admit plagiarism but say it was inadvertent and trivial), which Chatterbox previously thought was the minimal amount of self-abnegation such a situation demanded.

  • Shalit argues that when you walk down the street you can tell the virgins by their fresh, healthful glow.

  • It was established following New Republic staffer Ruth Shalit's serial plagiarisms.

  • In "Smut Cut," the reviews section, you will find pieces like Shalit's; "Roles" features essays on sex, gender, and relationships; "Pedantry" presents pieces by public figures such as former Surgeon General Dr. Joycelyn Elders on favorite subjects (take a guess); "Ex Libris" comprises "favorite erotic passages from our writers' libraries"; "Skin" is photos of flesh; "Threads" is occasionally interactive erotic fiction; and "The Bar" is a yet-to-be-launched chat area.

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