Example sentences for: plunged

How can you use “plunged” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • USAT reports that white supremacist John William King was convicted of capital murder in Jasper in less than 2® hours and that the jury immediately plunged into the case's penalty phase, which could result in a death sentence.

  • Several priceless frescoes were severely damaged or destroyed, notably invaluable works by Cimabue (1226–1337) featured on a portion of the Upper Church’s vaulted ceiling, which plunged to the floor during the quakes.

  • Air Force F-16s tracking the plane could only watch as it flew on autopilot for over 1,000 miles, ran out of fuel, and plunged into a South Dakota swamp.

  • Covering the breasts was a joined pair of black velvet, diamond-shaped patches, whose bottom points met the top points of a long black velvet skirt, of which the top edge plunged in one sharp V to the lace-covered navel in front, and swept diagonally back in a bigger V to the bottom of the lace-covered spine.

  • Thought, as Virginia Woolf said, plunged into a sea of words and came up dripping.

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