Example sentences for: ploughed

How can you use “ploughed” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • To help the ploughman measure his 4840 square yards, a chain 22 yards long was laid along the field's headland, showing the width to be ploughed.

  • Later an acre was a strip of open field, large enough to be ploughed by a yoke of oxen in one day.

  • Bald Pates is almost self-explanatory, being a name used in Kent rural areas for silver Roman coinage ploughed up, found in barrows, etc., and possibly referring to the poor design or baldness of the effigy on some of the coins.

  • Assuming that about a tenth of the revenue from the sale of drugs is ploughed back into R&D on new products, that means that countries already indirectly contribute about 0.1% GDP to support this.

  • Only one of the contributors is at Yale, and the ghost of Frederick Pottle and his colleagues in the “Boswell Factory” should be delighted that there has been such widespread enthusiasm for the field they have ploughed for the past six decades.

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