Example sentences for: platitudes

How can you use “platitudes” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • A Charge to Keep is banal, disorganized, and packed with platitudes, revealing Bush as both boring and filled with "overweening Baby Boomer self-regard."

  • The film is said to be "the best Cinderella movie ever" (Mick LaSalle, the San Francisco Chronicle ), though politically minded critics call it "a preposterous polemic celebrating modern feminist platitudes" (Gary Arnold, the Washington Times ). (Here's the official site.)

  • My friend W. G. (Lord) Runciman, the businessman and sociologist at Trinity (quite a combination), calls it "recycled platitudes."

  • … [H]e retreats behind religious platitudes, empty sloganeering and half-truths."

  • It seems especially stupid for the administration to spew platitudes about the panel's mission of healing if its intention was to push one side of a contentious debate.

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