Example sentences for: plank

How can you use “plank” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • If a plank creaks in the floor, he [Ernesto IV] snatches up his pistols and imagines that there is a liberal hiding under his bed.

  • Responding in the tradition of trained British “ranks,” they radiated full responsibility, herding us to plank tables, scurrying about like a choreographed swarm of caterers.

  • 4 billion to teacher hiring--a central plank of President Clinton's education policy.

  • But even the great white hope Lamar Alexander would have faced the same situation Dole had to deal with: a damaging but untouchable GOP abortion plank and guilt by association with the Gingrich Congress.

  • Days after the GOP's victory in the 1994 elections, Speaker-to-be Newt Gingrich pledged to bring every plank of the "Contract With America" to the House floor, including "an effective, enforceable death penalty; beginning to phase-out the marriage penalty in the tax code; allowing senior citizens to earn up to $39,000 a year without penalty from Social Security; a capital gains cut and indexing."

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