Example sentences for: pjff

How can you use “pjff” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • 36 As mentioned before, EPA's modeling indicates that none of the total MWe of ACI retrofits will include a PJFF.

  • Erection of a PJFF would typically take 16 to 20 months from award of contract to start up.

  • In this case, more space would be needed for the PJFF.

  • 34 If a pulsejet FF (PJFF) is used downstream, the sorbent injection rate can be reduced to about 4.6 lb/MMacf.

  • As stated in section 4.4, the total duration for a PJFF retrofit is estimated to be anywhere from about 21 months to 26 months, including pre-contract effort and start up and commissioning.

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