Example sentences for: pixar

How can you use “pixar” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Robertson Stephens, for instance, gave one client 100,000 shares in the IPO for Pixar, the company responsible for Toy Story ; the client spun those shares into a $2-million profit.

  • The second computer animated ant film of the season is said to be head and thorax above its predecessor, Antz . Aimed at a slightly younger audience, the film bristles with buggy life and packs in the "gee-whiz moments" (Kenneth Turan, the Los Angeles Times ). The critics' one gripe is that there's almost too much happening at once on-screen: It's "so dense with characters and illustrative detail that it nearly chokes on its own banquet" (Richard Corliss, Time ). (Visit the Web site of Pixar, this film's animation studio.)

  • 3. "Explaining why Pixar decided to release Toy Story 2 in movie theaters rather than making it a straight-to-video production, Pixar chairman Steve Jobs said, 'We looked at films like Godfather 2

  • When Pixar went public, the money raised from that very first sale of its shares was what it used to run its business in the future.

  • And while it would be a mistake to say that the stock could have opened at that highest price, it's safe to say that if Robertson Stephens had done a better job of gauging demand, millions of dollars that went into traders' pockets would have gone into Pixar's vaults instead.

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