Example sentences for: pitted

How can you use “pitted” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • M an on the Moon is right to portray Kaufman as a frustrated artist pitted against people who just didn't get it.

  • Light is balanced by shadow, and rugged limestone rocks (yang) are chosen for their pitted and convoluted surface, balancing the smooth surface of calm pools and quiet streams (yin).

  • The new function of government departs radically from the dyadic structure—the individual pitted against the state—underlying the Bill of Rights.

  • The rough and tumble of postbellum politics pitted one segment of the nation against the other.

  • In retrospect, Clinton appears to have shrewdly pitted the Ickes group against Morris as an exercise in the management style FDR called "creative tension."

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