Example sentences for: pitchman

How can you use “pitchman” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • And he's not just a pitchman; he's a user.

  • According to the Globe , since the couple met two years ago Brolin, pitchman for AAMCO Transmissions, has been badgering the reluctant singer to go to the altar.

  • Brinkley's appearance as a pitchman in the middle of his old program was so disconcerting that when This Week resumed, co-host Cokie Roberts attempted to salvage the show's good name by reiterating Brinkley's disclaimer.

  • corporate pitchman.

  • Apparently Altman's the kind of publisher (no doubt he'd prefer to be called an investor , but anyway it's his investment company, Evercore Partners, that owns Weekly World News ) who drafts, or allows his underlings to draft, Bill Clinton as a pitchman for his tabloid--which this week includes the headlines, "Man Turns Into a Werewolf at Planetarium Lunar Show!"

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