Example sentences for: pitch-perfect

How can you use “pitch-perfect” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • The book, raves Tom de Haven in the New York Times Book Review , has "pitch-perfect dialogue, persuasive characterization and a rich progression of scenes ...

  • The divorcing Amy is marginally more believable as a woman whose life has taken a scary new turn than the unflappable single Syd ever was--Amy gets flustered; she doesn't know what to wear; her clothes don't seem designed to show off an improbably sculpted body, as Syd's do; she has no pat reasons for having left her husband; her mom, played by Tyne Daly, is pitch-perfect as the smart, confident older woman who quashes her daughter (she's a more compelling character than Syd's father, a wan veterinarian who can do no wrong); and Amy's own daughter--well, Amy's daughter is unbearable, a stereotypical know-it-all TV tyke.

  • "There's pleasure on every page of this pitch-perfect evocation of a sour, anxious half century" (Malcolm Jones Jr., Newsweek ). Slate's Walter Kirn is virtually alone in finding the book indulgent and vapid.

  • Michiko Kakutani writes in the New York Times that although Gates "delineates his characters' predicaments with a pitch-perfect ear," the collection suffers when "a certain authorial smugness creeps into the narration," which leaves the reader "feeling superior to his characters, irritated with their solipsistic mind games and self-inflicted wounds."

  • Praise goes to his pitch-perfect delivery, timing, and confidence.

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