Example sentences for: pink-and-white

How can you use “pink-and-white” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • But past and present are often juxtaposed in Nanjing, like the blue pedicabs sharing the streets with big new buses, or the fresh pink-and-white plum blossoms on the hillsides around the Mingxiaoling tomb.

  • Las Brisas is more or less defined by the hotel of the same name, with its more than 250 individual guest pools and the pink-and-white theme that extends to the hotel’s private fleet of rental jeeps.

  • It is the most extensively and authentically restored of California’s 21 Franciscan missions, and the old pink-and-white adobe walls provide a haven of peace amid the former living and working quarters of missionaries, soldiers, and Native Americans.

  • Pink-and-white Balcony House on Market Street is a particularly fine example.

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