Example sentences for: piner

How can you use “piner” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Convict piner indicates both a retention of and a transition from the past.

  • The very word convict is more prominent in everyday spoken English than it is in, say, Sydney, with compounds like convict brick, convict building, convict garden, convict piner, convict relic, and convict settlement.

  • The piner once lived in a badger box , a makeshift shelter named in allusion to the wombat's capacious hole in the ground (the wombat being known uniquely in Tasmania as a badger, to which it bears a passing resembalance).

  • A piner is and was a timbergetter who specialized in Huon pine, a conifer producing an attractive and highly valued timber, once used for boatbuilding but now protected and employed mainly in the manufacture of touristy artifacts.

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