Example sentences for: pillaging

How can you use “pillaging” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • After allowing his soldiers three days of pillaging, he restored order, acting with considerable leniency and good sense.

  • The U.N. had been expected to play a role in Timor's transition to independence, but Annan says pillaging by Indonesian troops after August's plebiscite has left the Timor government in disarray.

  • The Normans from Scan­di­navia took advantage of the Carolingian dynasty’s divided kingdom, pillaging their way inland along the Loire and the Seine, and plundering Paris in 845.

  • Thus, the city that had held out against so many attacks by the infidel, became subjected to mindless pillaging by fellow Christians.

  • After inveighing against the raping and pillaging at Woodstock '99 (a video segment of concert-goers is captioned "250,000 Attendees & Hopped-Up Psychos"), John McLaughlin finds himself waxing nostalgic for the hippies of yesteryear: "At the first Woodstock there was [also] heavy rain, there were [also] people standing around [under a hot sun], there were long lines for food, but they were respectable."

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