Example sentences for: pilasters

How can you use “pilasters” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • In a rare opportunity for concentrated effort by one man on such a gigantic project, Bernini completed the 284 travertine columns, 88 pilasters, and 140 statues of the saints in just 11 years, from 1656 to 1667.

  • It has a fine central portal with reliefs of Old Testament scenes on its pilasters sculpted with great dignity and power by Siena-born master Jacopo della Quercia.

  • Scores of architects worked on the church from the 13th to the 17th centuries (its central bronze doors were added in 1964), but its glory remains the gleaming façade (its mosaics were a 17th-century addition), with its four slender spired pilasters and its rose-window above the beautifully scrolled porches.

  • At the base of the two northern pilasters, look closely at Lorenzo Maitani’s marvelous carved marble bas-reliefs of scenes from the Old Testament and the Last Judgment.

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