Example sentences for: pieced

How can you use “pieced” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Also, a spooky photo of TWA Flight 800's reconstructed remains, which have been pieced together in a New York airplane hangar.

  • Next up--according to an exceedingly complex timetable that is pieced together with help from future-specific "time texts" such as the Old Testament's Book of Daniel--is the Tribulation, a seven year period when the Antichrist will bring wrack and ruin to this world, before God dishes out his Wrath and Christ returns to fight the Battle of Armageddon.

  • Of course, that is only the beginning of the story--and by the time you've pieced this much together, the plot has deepened to involve Treat Morrison, United States ambassador-at-large, and American policy toward the Nicaraguan contras.

  • No word on how the paper, er, pieced the story together.

  • The "FBI's largest overseas investigation in history" has successfully pieced together the details of the bombings and now looks to uncover a vast terrorist conspiracy linked to bin Laden.

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