Example sentences for: picasso

How can you use “picasso” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • A cavernous bodega that became immediately popular with wine lovers is the new but ancient-looking Va de Vi (Banys Vells, 16), near the Picasso Museum.

  • But it reached a new level of respectability last December, when The New Yorker 's art critic, Adam Gopnik, reviewed the second volume of Richardson's life of Picasso.

  • So Picasso was a creep with women, and Richardson gives him, out of a rather touching and, in this day, uncommon biographer's loyalty, too large a benefit of the doubt on the question.

  • I agree with you that Simon Patterson is not the next Picasso, but so what?

  • But Gopnik does, describing Picasso as "a coward, who sat out two world wars while his friends were suffering and dying," adding that "he may have been right to do this in the First War, but he did it again, in the same way, in the second."

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