Example sentences for: picaresque

How can you use “picaresque” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Carey specializes in the picaresque, in one-man novels about larger-than-life social misfits who must cope with rotten childhoods, loveless families, hideous disfigurements, and secret shames.

  • No longer picaresque, the quest for father and fortune now aims to be profound.

  • Here the story turns into a kind of absurd picaresque: Lidie, driven by rage at her loss, disguises herself as a boy reporter in hostile Missouri and sets out to find Thomas' killers.

  • Is the show, about the picaresque adventures of futuristic toddlers, bad for babies?

  • He goes through a shower of picaresque trials: Three men set on him (he single-handedly beats them off); he saves a pregnant woman from death, and another woman from a band of renegade federal soldiers; various men try to recapture him; he is seduced by a woman whose husband, discovering the couple, tries to shoot him.

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