Example sentences for: piazza

How can you use “piazza” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • The Piazza del Duomo forms a harmonious space for the graceful octagonal baptistery, begun in 1196, and the austere nobility of the 12th-century Romanesque cathedral and its 13th-century campanile.

  • The loggia at the tower’s base is a chapel (Cappella di Piazza) marking the city’s deliverance from the plague of 1348.

  • In St. Peter’s Square (Piazza San Pietro), Bernini has performed one of the world’s most exciting pieces of architectural orchestration.

  • At the center, Piazza dei Signori is graced by Palladio’s first public work, the Basilica Palladina (1549), not a church at all, but the old Roman concept of a gathering place for the lawcourts and assemby hall of the Gothic Palazzo della Ragione that it encases with a colonnade and loggia.

  • For a sense of the historic neighborhood’s old splendor, start on Piazza Gesù Nuovo, with its characteristically extravagant Baroque Immacolata column (guglia) in the center.

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