Example sentences for: phylum

How can you use “phylum” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Each is a distinct phylum; although there may be word-borrowing among them, lexicon is considered less important in the classification of languages than structure and grammar.

  • With their strange morphology, vent tubeworms were first classified as a novel phylum, Vestimentifera [3].

  • Product in the entertainment-industry sense used above occupies a distinct class within the phylum content . Whereas product is, for the most part, a commodity that exists or is envisaged, content , in its most advanced and today most widely used sense, means the totality of all substance (in particular, commercially viable substance) that can be made available through the various communications and information media: not just movies, TV shows, and music but also software, games, sports, news, directories, advertising, and everything online--now and in the future.

  • In some organisms with very primitive nervous systems, such as Polyorchis penicillatus (jellyfish, phylum Cnidaria) at least two Shaker (Kv1)-family genes exist [ 23 ] ; moreover, in the electric fish Apteronotus the Kv1 (Shaker) family is the most diverse, with at least 10 members [ 24 ] . One can predict from the protein and DNA similarity that Kv3.

  • Following clustering, comparative analyses were performed using WU-BLASTX and WU-TBLASTX [ 92 93 ] with 1,798 contig consensus sequences (themselves grouped into 1,625 cluster groups) as queries versus multiple databases including SWIR v.21 (5/19/2000) non-redundant protein database and Wormpep v.54 C. elegans protein database (Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, unpublished work), C. elegans mitochondrial protein sequences, and six internally constructed databases using intersections of data from the GenBank nucleotide database and dbEST [ 96 ] . These include: nemnoele (all nucleotide data from the phylum Nematoda with C. elegans removed); nemnoelenomi (nemnoele with M. incognita removed); nemnoelenomel (nemnoele with all Meloidogyne species removed); nemnoelenotyl (nemnoele with all Tylenchida species removed); yestylnomel (all Tylenchida species except Meloidogyne ); mj (only M. javanica sequences).

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