Example sentences for: phonograph

How can you use “phonograph” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Mono sound equipment brings back the days when the phonograph rested in the den instead of in the home entertainment center, when quadraphonic might have been a malapropism for something in The Phantom of the Opera . Other backwords involve longer journeys in time: straight razors were the only razors around until the emergence of safety razors, which have in turn ceded precedence to the injector-blade and finally the twin-blade.

  • First, from a purely historical point of view, I don't see how anyone can view the Internet as more important than any number of communications media that have preceded it: the printing press, the telegraph, the telephone, the phonograph player, the television among them.

  • There was the omnipresent phonograph, or Vic , short for Victrola, and the stack of records next to it.

  • By the late '50s, "Chanukah's accoutrements had grown to include paper decorations, greeting cards, napkins, wrapping paper, ribbons, chocolates, games and phonograph records."

  • In those days, people as a rule did not take much care of phonograph records.

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