Example sentences for: phonemic

How can you use “phonemic” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • It might be argued that the writing should be phonemic, not phonetic, but phonemes change, too, though more slowly.

  • “Oh, yeah, now I see it here, in this pocket dictionary-- largo .” And knowing calle from previous experience, the Anglo developer jots on his pad Calle Largo . The phonemic distinction between unaccented final a and o goes in one Anglo ear and out the other.

  • In many orthographies purely phonemic representations of words are corrupted for the sake of graphically preserving their etymologies.

  • In the process, the word Camelot has been reduced to a bad, smutty, phonemic [wow!

  • Sign- in signal and paradigm- in paradigmatic are spelled phonemically, but as isolated words they contain a letter, , which has no counterpart in the phonemic representation.

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