Example sentences for: philanthropists

How can you use “philanthropists” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • What a great job of compiling America's top philanthropists in the "Slate 60"!

  • The cover story counters the popular wisdom that millionaires are the leading philanthropists.

  • The Ford Foundation seeded the public-TV idea with $300 million worth of grants between 1951 and 1976 in the hope that the feds would completely underwrite it thereafter (just as cities routinely assume responsibility for museums and libraries once philanthropists found them).

  • But Eleanor's using the money she made to reward like-minded philanthropists (hence, buy political support) doesn't change the ethics of it.

  • Other philanthropists endow chairs and build hospitals: Templeton is trying to refashion the world's intellectual fabric.

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