Example sentences for: phased

How can you use “phased” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • He took the first opportunity to inform Iowans that "I'm going to tell you the things that you don't want to hear as well as the things you want to hear"--namely that "those ethanol subsidies should be phased out, and everybody here on this stage, if it wasn't for the fact that Iowa is the first caucus state, would share my view that we don't need ethanol subsidies.

  • These changes focused primarily on (1) ensuring technologies are demonstrated to a high level of maturity before beginning a weapon system program and (2) taking an evolutionary, or phased, approach to developing new weapon systems.

  • projects are best managed in a limited-commitment, phased approach; and

  • I wonder if he's being phased out?

  • The Emission Banking and Trading of Allowances Program is expected to achieve substantial reductions when it is fully phased in by 2003.

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