Example sentences for: persuading

How can you use “persuading” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • This is truly an impressive-looking tome, persuading one that it is complete and authoritative.

  • In 1972, he aided McGovern most by organizing fund-raisers, even persuading Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel to reunite for a McGovern benefit.

  • Even if Starr focuses public attention on the perjury issue and represents his investigation as a search for truth, Clinton can defeat him by persuading the public--without explicitly saying so--that impeaching the president for perjury in a civil suit is less important than getting on with the nation's business.

  • Cynics think postelection spin is just a one-dimensional game of manipulating expectations and persuading the media that you surpassed them.

  • On Maple Street, a no less handsome statue of Gassy Jack, a distinctly derelict-looking riverboat captain known to his mother as John Deighton, stands on a whisky barrel symbolizing the drinks he served to lumbermen, persuading them to build the town in 1867.

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