Example sentences for: personalized

How can you use “personalized” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • You choose from thousands of distinct topics and companies, and have relevant articles from over 630 sources delivered to you by e-mail, or to a personalized Web page.

  • Here was a world of weather--24-hours-a-day weather, personalized weather, global weather, fishing weather, flying weather, farming weather, e-mail weather, graphics weather, text weather.

  • Bradley argues that Clinton has personalized the relationship with Russian President Boris Yeltsin, set too-high expectations for democratization, slacked off on nuclear security, and failed to properly monitor economic aid.

  • In any case, when it comes to the CEO market in particular, it's difficult to decide what constitutes "rationality" because the selection process is so personalized and because the criteria for what constitutes a great CEO are so ill-defined.

  • She also told me that each member of her family drank directly from his or her own half-gallon milk carton at meals, each personalized with a name in crayon.

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