Example sentences for: pers

How can you use “pers” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Kwong, pers.

  • Gabriel Brown, Department of Clinical Sciences, University of the West Indies, pers.

  • All charges accrued after the patient was declared legally brain dead, and charges for diagnostic studies specifically ordered by the OPO during the brain death stay as a part of the donor evaluation process, were the responsibility of the local OPO as per national standards (Hawthorne RV, pers comm).

  • Le Mouël and E. Meyer, pers.

  • The exact nucleotide positions where telomere repeats are added have been examined in several ciliates (reviewed by [ 23 53 ] ). Cloned chromosome ends from 81 MAC family indicated heterogeneity of TAS placement, which we attributed to exonuclease erosion of the broken ends prior to telomerase action [ 27 ] . Analogous multi-TAS regions have been described in Tetrahymena ( [ 49 ] ; E. Hamilton and E. Orias, pers.

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