Example sentences for: perplexed

How can you use “perplexed” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • ) The book, they say, is a witty sendup of therapeutic literature, and it also serves as a "seriously legitimate guide for the perplexed" (Benito Rakower, the Washington Post ). Critics also recommend it as a sort of highbrow Cliff's Notes : "You don't need to have read Proust in order to read this book; in fact, once you've read de Botton you don't need to read it at all" (Richard Klein, Voice Literary Supplement ).

  • But I am perplexed by the avidity with which I am being courted, because of one simple fact: There aren't that many of me.

  • The following article makes no attempt to be a 20-minute Chem 101 crash course for the perplexed, but, it is hoped, should at least provide you with counter-ammunition the next time someone corners you at a party and starts dropping terms such as stoichiometry as the temperature of your beer rises slowly but inexorably from cellar to attic.

  • I remain addicted to my Miami vice, although torn by the knowledge that all over the country are innocent children, naive relatives, and perplexed winter visitors, all telling their friends and families about the wildlife I showed them in Florida.

  • I read (Dia)critic's Corner [XXIII, 1] with great interest but was perplexed by the examples at the top of the second column on page 1, as I counted four misprints at a first reading (œ for æ) and my feeling was confirmed by checking Chambers Twentieth Century Dictionary .

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