Example sentences for: pernicious

How can you use “pernicious” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • He wants to stamp out the most pernicious abuses--the enormous contributions by corporations, labor unions, and wealthy individuals.

  • Interpretation is at a minimum throughout, and Pollak soon reduces his all-powerful beast to a broth of pernicious, self-serving lies.

  • The Protestant Ames takes an equally hard line: "The unjust revealing a secret hath in it oftentimes the pernicious violations of trust, friendship, and honesty," and is therefore "not only in the common esteem of men, but in the Scripture also, reckoned amongst the most odious sins."

  • One of the weirdest and most pernicious side effects of Flytrap has been the relocation of the White House to an alternative universe, a place where up is down and down is up and everything is the opposite of what it should be.

  • 3) She's a savvy, pernicious temptress.

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