Example sentences for: permeating

How can you use “permeating” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • In support of this model it has been found that the kinetics of ATP-induced pore formation in HEK cells, heterologously expressing the P2X 7 receptor, appears to depend on molecular size of the permeating ionic species [ 19].

  • Jospin "owes his popularity in large part to his image as M Propre , a decent man who marks a break with the permeating sleaze of the long Mitterrand years," it said.

  • A senior French commander acknowledged that peacekeeping officials suspect Serbian paramilitaries are permeating northern Kosovo and stirring up unrest.

  • In particular, this model predicts a delay between channel activation and dye uptake and this delay should be directly proportional to the molecular size of the permeating dye.

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