Example sentences for: perjured

How can you use “perjured” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • When the results suggested Americans would be angry if Clinton had perjured himself, Morris encouraged Clinton to deny the affair.)

  • While I have been a staunch Clinton supporter (and, to some extent, defender), the fact that we are allowing our debate over Tripp's character and motives to enter into our debate over whether the president perjured himself or encouraged others to do so shows the effectiveness of the White House spin doctors.

  • But the printer denied the allegation, and as no copy of the mislaid print order was ever found, the jury decided that the copywriter had perjured himself.

  • c) Probably perjured himself.

  • USAT is more concrete, saying that according to a "lawyer with knowledge of the report," Starr's 445-page effort--shipped over with supporting documents in duplicate in 36 sealed boxes--flatly concludes that Clinton perjured himself twice, once in his Jones case deposition and once in his videotaped grand jury testimony.

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