Example sentences for: perfusing

How can you use “perfusing” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • The effect of 10 mM TEA (with 90 mM NaCl) was assessed by perfusing the recording chamber with TEA saline containing SNP.

  • At high concentrations, it may be that NO reaches pulmonary vessels perfusing non-ventilated lung areas and worsens arterial oxygenation by inhibiting hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction as observed in patients 1, 2, 6, 8 and 15.

  • This implies that for the same extent of lung consolidation, basal pulmonary blood flow perfusing non-ventilated lung areas was greater in patients with septic shock.

  • It can be hypothesized that the same degree of inhaled NO-induced vasodilation of the pulmonary vessels perfusing ventilated lung areas resulted in a greater redistribution of pulmonary blood flow in patients with septic shock.

  • The Ringer solution used for perfusing and bathing the tubules was that initially used by Chou and Knepper [ 18 ] in perfusion of thin limbs from chinchilla kidneys and modified by us.

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