Example sentences for: perestroika

How can you use “perestroika” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Currently two Russian words are challenging correspondents, among others, to find English equivalents: perestroika and glasnost '. The first of these Gorbachevian buzzwords can be handily calqued into English as `restructuring.

  • The mid-1980s witnessed a gradual program of liberalization in Poland on the heels of Mikhail Gorbachev’s remarkable perestroika and glasnost in the Soviet Union, the promises of greater openness and economic freedoms.

  • As the winds of perestroika blew in from Moscow, Kádár was removed from power in 1988, and, in 1989, the formation of opposition parties was legalized.

  • But since both perestroika and glasnost' from our point of view do not mean `restructuring' and `publicity' generally, as the English words do to us, but rather refer to reforms specifically initiated by Gorbachev, the Russian words, particularly glasnost', are usually borrowed into English unaltered (except in pronunciation).

  • Although it continued to stress the likelihood of a hard-line revolt against perestroika, it did conclude that Mikhail Gorbachev's reformist inclinations were sincere.

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