Example sentences for: per-luc

How can you use “per-luc” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Peripheral tissues were dissected from D. melanogaster adults as described in Krishnan et al [ 23 ] . The per-luc (BG-luc) and tim-luc transgenic strains were originally described elsewhere [ 20 21 ] . Automated monitorings of luciferase (LUC) activity were the same previously described [ 20 23 ] . All of the data from light-dark cycles (LD 12:12) and from constant darkness (DD) were from the LUC monitorings reported in Krishnan et al [ 23 ] , although most of the pertinent data were not separated as to per-luc versus tim-luc expressions, and many of the results were included as supplementary material.

  • The observation of tissue-specific phase relationships between per-luc and tim-luc, along with the apparent difference in the absolute timing of phase is not surprising.

  • This qualitative criterion is conservative from at least one perspective: If we imagine that cry b 's effect might be an elimination of per-luc and tim-luc cyclings (given the mutant's isolation phenotype [ 21 ] ), elementary scrutiny of correlogram plots increases the chance that data from a given specimen could be judged rhythmic, thereby decreasing the likelihood that we would go overboard in evaluating mutationally induced damage to the clock system.

  • However, even when such measurements have been facilitated by the use of real-time monitoring of luc -reporters, there has been an assertion that phase is essentially the same amongst isolated tissues [ 19 ] . Nevertheless, given our observation that the effects of the cry b variant may be tissue-specific, as well as the use of both per-luc and tim-luc reporters, we re-examined this question quantitatively.

  • A statistical comparison between the two groups (in this case per-luc v tim-luc or per-luc; cry +v per-luc; cry b ) is obtained by first calculating a mean vector that connects the origin to the center of the cloud of points defined by the respective group and then testing whether or not these representative vectors are different from one another.

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