Example sentences for: pentelic

How can you use “pentelic” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • What remains is the bare Pentelic marble used in the construction and the refined lines and form that make it an architectural masterpiece.

  • Dating from the fourth century b.c., it consists of a series of curved panels and columns creating a circular structure supporting a dome made from a single block of Pentelic marble.

  • He commissioned the Parthenon, Erechtheíon, Temple of Athena Nike, and Propylaia, taking advantage of a new marble quarry on Mount Pentelikon — the marble became known as Pentelic.

  • All three are Neo-Classical in design and made of Pentelic marble, helping to give a feel of how the Agora of the ancient city may have looked at its prime.

  • The use of Pentelic marble on the façade with a Doric-style prolylaia above street level echoes use and form in the ancient city.

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