Example sentences for: penalize

How can you use “penalize” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Allowances are allocated to each power plant based on 1997 emissions using a formula that does not penalize the "clean" plants that already have a low NOx or SO2 emission rate.

  • Should we use the tax system to penalize companies that fire workers and reward those that do not?

  • One plausible reason is that the differences are the result of how states solicit returns, monitor compliance, and penalize failure to file.

  • (Mainstream conservatives sure aren't complaining about the WTO's power to penalize countries that fail to open their telecommunications to foreign investment.)

  • In 1995, he and congressional Democrats defeated a House Republican bill to penalize plaintiffs for frivolous lawsuits and to impose "loser pays" rules.

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