Example sentences for: peer-review

How can you use “peer-review” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • In addition, we note that the AMIGA model is relatively new and has not been subject to the same degree of peer-review and scrutiny as the older IPM and NEMS models.

  • The design and peer-review of studies on alcohol interventions in the emergency care setting should be geared more towards embracing the perspectives of emergency medicine specialists.

  • Since alcohol interventions in the ED cut across different disciplines, the peer-review group should embrace multiple perspectives.

  • The editors of PLoS Biology and all the PLoS journals are committed to offering a peer-review service that is as constructive, transparent, and efficient as possible.

  • Gentilello clarified that he had not criticized the peer-review process, but that panels reviewing alcohol interventions in EDs should include representatives of emergency medicine.

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