Example sentences for: pectate

How can you use “pectate” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • The pectate lyase gene (MI00592) was identified in G. rostochiensis and H. glycines [ 17 ] and the exo-polygalacturonase (MI00252) was identified in our M. incognita data [ 21 22 ] . Because of the obvious role of nematode genes that allow endogenous production of cell-wall degrading enzymes in attacking a plant host, it has been hypothesized that their acquisition by HGT may have been key steps in the evolution of plant-parasitic nematodes from ancestral free-living forms [ 3 ] . In that model, an intermediate, symbiotic association of a soil-dwelling (but free-living) nematode with a soil bacterium possessing these enzymes is postulated before the HGT event.

  • Following isolation from G. rostochiensis and H. glycines [ 5 ] , cellulases have been identified in M. incognita [ 6 ] , G. tabacum [ 68 ] , H. schachtii [ 69 ] , and P. penetrans [ 70 ] . Additional prokaryotic-like sequences identified in plant parasitic nematodes include other cell-wall-degrading enzymes such as xylanase [ 7 ] , pectate lyase [ 8 71 ] and polygalacturonase [ 72 ] , and evidence is accumulating that these sequences have been acquired by horizontal gene transfer [ 11 ] . The known Meloidogyne cellulase (MI00483.cl), potentially novel cellulases (MI00537.cl, MI01196.cl, MI01381.cl, MI01842.cl), and pectate lyase (MI00592.cl, MI00520.cl) were represented in the M. incognita EST clusters.

  • Similarly, the second most abundant component of cell walls (pectin) is the assumed target of nematode-encoded pectate lyase and exo-polygalacturonase, both functions also postulated to have been acquired by HGT.

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